A Canticle for Leibowitz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Canticle for Leibowitz? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. "NOO!" ____ roared. "Haven't you been listening? Francis said no such things. I wish he had, by gum; then I'd HAVE the rascal! But he tells it sweet-and-simple, rather stupidly, in fact, and lets the others read in the meanings." Who roared this?

Father Cheroki
Abbot Arkos
Monsignor Flaught
Francis (he likes to roar in the 3rd person)
Q. Who said, "I don't know. But I have a certain faith that the 'electron' existed at one time, although I don't know how it was constructed or what it might have been used for."

Brother Jeris
Brother Sarl
Brother Francis
J.J. Thompson (guy who discovered the electron)
Q. "The burden—it was pressed upon me by others." He looked up slowly. "Should I refuse to take it?" Who is he?

Dom Paulo
Burdensome Betty
Q. "But you promise to begin restoring Man's control over Nature. But who will govern the use of the power to control natural forces?" Who asked this?

Thon Taddeo
Brother Kornhoer
Dom Paulo
Poison Ivy
Q. Who said, "Forgive God? How can you—? He is just. He is Justice, He is Love. How can you say—"

Abbot Zerchi
Doctor Cors
Mrs. Grales
That guy from Angels & Demons?