A Gathering of Old Men Candy Marshall Quotes

Candy Marshall

Quote 1

"Now listen," she said. "I want you to run, and I don't want you to stop running. I want you to go tell Rufe and Reverend Jameson, and Corrine and the rest of them to gather at Mathu's house right away. And I want you to go to the front, and I want you to—listen to me good, now," she said, squeezing my shoulders and hurting me a little bit—"go up to the house and see if Miss Merle's there. If she is, tell her I say come quick. […] If she's not there, tell Janey to call her and Lou and tell them to get here quick. Don't waste time on the phone talking, just get here quick. Don't do nothing but get here quick. You heard what I said, Snookum?"

            "What am I telling all them people to get here quick for?" I asked her.

            "That's none of your business, Snookum. You're nothing but a little boy. Now, get moving and don't stop running." (1.18-20)

Sure, Candy's a grown-up and Snookum is a kid, but this is more than just Candy refusing to put up with any of Snookum's shenanigans. Candy bosses Snookum around because he's just a boy—but then what about the way she tries to boss around the older men, too? Do you think it means that she doesn't consider them "men" either?

Candy Marshall

Quote 2

"Beau Boutan still lived in the past," she said. "He still thought he could beat people like his paw did thirty, forty years ago. […] When he stopped that tractor out there, I told him not to cross that ditch. When he didn't stop, I reached and got that shotgun Mathu keeps behind the door." (8.82)

Sure, we all know that Candy is lying—but dig what she says about old Beau. Of course, Candy is living in her own version of the past too, isn't she?