A Gathering of Old Men William "Fix" Boutan Quotes

"What day is gone, Gi-bear?" Fix asked him. "The day when family responsibility is put aside for a football game? Is that the day you speak of, Gi-bear?"

            "I'm not speaking of responsibility, Papa," Gil said. "I'm speaking of the day of the vigilante. I'm speaking of Luke Will's idea of justice."

            "So I'm a vigilante now, huh, Gi-bear?" Fix asked him.

            "That's what Luke Will wants us to do," Gil said. "He and his gang still think the world needs them. The world has changed, Papa. Luke Will and his gang are a dying breed. They need a cause like this to pump blood back into their dying bodies." (12.140-3)

Yes, Fix—you are a vigilante. And here's where Gil just lays it all out, even if he doesn't directly say that to his dad.