Lou Dimes Timeline and Summary


Lou Dimes Timeline and Summary

  • Our pal Lou gets a phone call telling him to high-tail it down to Marshall, so he does.
  • When he gets there, he asks Candy what's gone down. She cops to killing Beau.
  • Everybody else does, too, when he asks them.
  • Lou tries to reason with Candy over and over again as Mapes questions the old men at Marshall.
  • When Mapes learns that Fix isn't showing up, and that Mathu is about to take that long ride to some serious jail time, he helps pry Candy away when she's making a scene.
  • Lou's there when Luke Will shows up.
  • Mapes puts Lou in charge after Griffin runs off and he can't get back up.
  • Lou tries to get some order in Marshall. It doesn't work.
  • In the end, he tells us all about the trial and how it all ended. We get the feeling that he and Candy may actually have a future together.