A Gathering of Old Men Mat Quotes


Quote 1

Then that oldest boy of Berto, that sissy one they called Fue, come running down the riverbank and said Clatoo said Miss Merle said that young woman at Marshall, Candy, wanted us on the place right away. She wanted us to get twelve-gauge shotguns and number five shells and she wanted us to shoot, but keep the empty shells and get there right away.

            Me and Mat looked at him standing there sweating—a great big old round-face, sissy-looking boy, in blue jeans and a blue gingham shirt, the shirt wet from him running.

            Mat said, "All that for what?"

            The boy looked like he was ready to run some more. Sweat just pouring down the side of his face. He was one of them great big old sissy-looking boys—round, smooth, sissy-looking face.

            He said: "Something to do with Mathu, something to do with Beau Boutan dead in his yard. That's all I know, all I want to know. Up to y'all now. I done done my part. Y'all can go and do like she say or ya'll can go home, lock y'all doors, and crawl under the bed like y'all used to. Me, I'm leaving."

            "Where you going?" Mat called to him.

            "You and no Boutan'll ever know." (4.2-8)

So, it's a pretty safe bet that Chimley doesn't think much of Fue and his "sissy-looking" face—whatever that means. But check out what else is going on here. Not only is Fue basically called a sissy, but he's also on the run. This is a not-so subtle suggestion that "real men" don't run from trouble, they face it head on.