Yousef Timeline and Summary


Yousef Timeline and Summary

  • Yousef appears at the hotel in Jeddah as an impromptu chauffeur for Alan.
  • He accompanies Alan to KAEC on the first day and tries to warn him that the new city is a failure.
  • When Alan skewers his neck lump, Yousef makes an appointment for him with a local doc, and then delivers him there.
  • Yousef disappears for a while to avoid dying at the hands of a jealous man. When he resurfaces, he tells Alan that he has to "disappear" for a while.
  • He agrees to take Alan to his father's house with him. They stop at his dad's sandal shop to pick up the key.
  • Yousef picks up Salem on the way to his father's house. They fight about which road to take in order to avoid trouble with authorities.
  • He shows his dad's home and gun cache to Alan. He's proud of his roots.
  • When Alan makes a huge gaffe with a neighbor (the CIA comment), Yousef tells him to knock it off. They shoot guns at targets.
  • Yousef and Alan sit together in the mountains to wait for the rogue wolf. They talk about revolution, and Alan says that he would fight with him. Yousef tells him it's all just a joke.
  • Alan nearly shoots a shepherd boy during the hunt, and Yousef has to whisk him away from the suspicious men. He takes Alan back to Jeddah the next day.
  • Yousef calls Alan occasionally and slowly begins to "remember what he liked" about Alan.