A Little Less Girl Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The charred black spot where Amy's car had landed sat directly below. It was as if my own jeep had turned against me, breaking down there on purpose to remind me that I was a jerk. Not that I needed reminding. (1.2)

This is one of the very first images in the novel and it shows us right away how Jake is feeling—he's the one to blame for Amy's suicide. Harsh.

Quote #2

Two years ago I would have been stoked to have a chance to assist the coach, but now the idea sucked big time. And my enthusiasm to compete had disappeared with the rest of my old self. Once I'd realized how this town spread gossip, rumors, and blame like soft butter on hot toast, I'd convinced myself I had to get out of here fast after high school. I had to carry the blame for Amy's suicide so everyone else could feel better that they had nothing to do with it. (3.18)

Amy's suicide must have been a really big deal in a little place like Raynesville. When tragedies like this happen, people generally want to find some simple answer; the town's solution is to blame Jake. Case closed. If everyone accepts this then no one else has to think about how they might have played a role in Amy's death.

Quote #3

Dermott and I had gotten along well in my first two years. But after Amy's suicide, he'd made it clear that I was to blame for her out of control dieting and downward spiral. He'd decided it was necessary to hire slick, preachy speakers to come and talk to the whole student body about saying hurtful things to each other. We'd had three assemblies last year alone, and every time I waited for a giant spotlight to come out of the auditorium ceiling and shine on my seat. (5.56)

Wow… Mr. Dermott is a pretty huge jerk. He basically paid people to come to school and talk about bullying in order to reinforce the idea that Jake's cruelty is what drove Amy over the edge. That's bullying turned up to eleven.