Jake West Timeline and Summary


Jake West Timeline and Summary

  • Jake is handsome and popular and seems to have it all.
  • During his junior year, he hears that an overweight girl at school has a crush on him and he tells everyone that he's not interested because he "prefers a little less girl" (18.11). Ouch.
  • Jake notices Amy is losing weight and takes an interest in her; he eventually finds her secret painting place in the woods.
  • Jake is there the night Amy plays the Game and sees that something majorly upset her while she's tied up in the woods.
  • After Amy commits suicide, the entire town of Raynesville blames Jake for rejecting Amy and breaking her heart. Jake quits the swim team and breaks up with his girlfriend in guilt.
  • At the start of his senior year of high school, Jake notices a new girl in town who also happens to be gorgeous.
  • Jake likes her, but knows he can't ever date her because she's Amy's cousin.
  • His parents pressure him to rejoin the swim team and Katrina demands they get back together.
  • Jake keeps his eye on Dani, especially when she tries out for the swim team and blows everyone away.
  • His best friend, Blister, also has a bit of a crush on Dani and isn't too happy about Jake's wandering eyes.
  • Finally Dani tells Jake that she doesn't think he's responsible for Amy's death. Well, that's a load off.
  • Jake declines to jump off Lucifer's Ledge for the hundredth time, but dives in to "save" Dani when she makes the leap.
  • He also shows Dani Amy's secret painting place, which he has carefully preserved.
  • That night, he's Dani's partner during the Game.
  • At a bonfire, Jake defends Dani when her crazy ex-boyfriend, Cody, shows up, and he gets stabbed in the hand for his trouble.
  • Mr. Dermott warns Jake to stay away from Dani—can't have any more suicidal girls with broken hearts, now can we?
  • But Jake just can't stay away. Finally he and Dani kiss.
  • Jake also rescues Dani when some weirdo has broken into her house.
  • The next day, Mr. Dermott confesses his role in Amy's death and he and Jake fight about it.
  • Jake gives all the details to the police and he and Dani wind up happily ever after.