John Grady Cole Timeline and Summary


John Grady Cole Timeline and Summary

  • John's thrown for a loop by his grandfather's death, continuing issues with his father and mother, and the impending sale of the ranch he grew up on. He decides to go to Mexico with his friend Lacey Rawlins because Texas just ain't home anymore.
  • They encounter a barrel of laughs who calls himself Jimmy Blevins along the way, and they get roped into stealing his horse back. John's sympathy for Blevins overrides Rawlins' concerns.
  • After escaping, John works on a ranch, where he meets Alejandra. (Read: hotness.)
  • John gets sent to prison with Rawlins after being arrested as an accomplice of Blevins. It's not the most fun environment, and he barely escapes with his life after being bailed out by Alejandra's grandaunt.
  • After getting out of prison, John goes to see Alejandra one last time, but he's rejected because a promise she made to her grandaunt.
  • Desperate, John goes to steal back his horses, engaging in a shootout and taking the man who executed Blevins hostage.
  • John makes it back to Texas where he feels he no longer belongs, and wanders off into the desert with his horses.