Frank Raymond Timeline and Summary


Frank Raymond Timeline and Summary

  • Calogero runs to Frank's place to get help because Francesco is about to do something really dumb (a.k.a. sit by the tracks with a gun waiting for Willy Rogers). The tutor is busy painting a mural in the saloon nearby in exchange for food, but comes out to hear the news; when he does, Frank doesn't think twice and agrees to help.
  • When Frank realizes that Calo doesn't know anything about American Indians, he takes him to meet Joseph, his Tunica friend, and they spend the day learning about history and Joseph's life and making pottery.
  • Frank tells Calo that he is leaving in a month, so they will work on painting each Sunday until then.
  • The following Sunday, Frank is ticked that he got fired from the saloon because of Calo's uncle, and he is in a pretty bad mood. Calo is too, though, because he got banned from a steamship he wanted to work on.
  • This news makes Frank angry, so he decides they'll take a walk and look at Declaration Day. As they do, though, a white man kicks Calo off the street; then Frank says they'll go see a real ship, but the horses are tied to the wagon, so they can't do that either. Ugh.
  • To cheer up his student, Frank has him envision the inside of a ship and the food there.
  • Calo invites Frank over for supper. Father May is there as well, and they get into a talk about religion and the Catholic Church; they argue but then are friendly again.
  • After Calo's uncles are beaten up, Calo goes looking for Frank; Frank finds him and hides him from the mob, then tells him to run away. He hugs him tightly.
  • In the slaughterhouse, Frank tries to protect the uncles and argue to give them a trial and a priest, but no one will listen to him.