Alligator Bayou Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Alligator Bayou? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is so special about bread pudding to Calogero?

It is made by Patricia.
It tastes like heaven.
It smells like Sicily.
It looks like the state of Louisiana.
Q. How does Charles kill the alligator?

With a lantern
With a gun
With a chokehold
With a spear
Q. Why does Dr. Hodge kill the goats?

Because he is fed up with them waking him up at night
Because he wants to roast them.
Because he thinks they are ghosts.
Because he hates Francesco.
Q. Calo likes the Mississippi because it:

reminds him of home.
is wet and blue.
smells like dinner.
has steamships on it.
Q. Frank Raymond thinks that _______ is an ugly word.
