And Then There Were None Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around And Then There Were None? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the big giveaway that Wargrave is the one who killed everyone at Soldier Island?

He is the only one innocent of the crime he was accused of.
He was hiding a revolver underneath his toupee.
His name is on the deed for Soldier Island.
They found all the poison in his room.
Q. What soldier-related clues do the characters have about the murders?

A nutcracker that looks like each of them
The figurines and the poems in the bedrooms
A soldier-shaped cake every night at dinner
Army-issue rifles in each bedroom
Q. What has Justice Wargrave enjoyed since childhood?

Baking with his mother
Causing the deaths of other creatures
Creating complex games
Wearing a wig
Q. Why did Dr. Armstrong end up killing a patient on the operating table?

He didn’t like old people.
He was drunk.
He was young and inexperienced.
He had a seizure.
Q. Why does Lombard bring a revolver to the proceedings at Soldier Island?

He forgot to take it out of his luggage when he was packing.
He is the actual killer.
His revolver is his lucky charm.
He anticipates running into a spot of trouble.