Character Analysis

Robbie, also known as "Sex God," is Georgia's love interest. He's a little bit older and drives a Mini Cooper, so he's pretty cool, if only by British standards.

Super Stud

Robbie isn't technically in the novel as much as Jas—he and Georgia don't spend nearly as much time together—but he looms large in the text nonetheless because from the moment she meets him, Georgia is obsessed. Because of this, he influences the plot more than Jas does. Georgia spends a whole lot of time plotting and scheming ways to win him over. But first she has to get her hands on those muscles, and Robbie's hard to catch.

Slippery Stud

Just as Georgia's super hot and cold when it comes to how she thinks of herself, so is Robbie when it comes to his feelings for Georgia. Okay, that might be a little presumptuous: We never actually know what's going on in Robbie's head because we're trapped inside Georgia's for the entire book. What we do know, though, is how his actions come across to our main girl—and they're a hot mess from where she's sitting.

When Georgia first encounters Robbie, he has a girlfriend. Big time. Her name is Lindsay and once Georgia and Jas stalk her, we know she's way more mature than Georgia—after all, she wears thongs and has no pubic hair. Compared to Georgia, who accidentally shaves her eyebrows after finding plucking them is too painful, Lindsay knows what's up when it comes to being an attractive teen lady. Despite this, and despite Robbie being in a relationship with her, when he sees Georgia kissing Peter at a party, he totally gives her attitude about it.

Later, while Robbie's still dating Lindsay, he also gives Georgia grief over the (admittedly bad) behavior of her date to one of his band's shows—he says, "Nice company you keep" (5.608). Are you noticing a trend? Robbie's kind of possessive of Georgia's affections, but doesn't actually do anything to earn them except cop 'tude when she's with other dudes. He might technically be older—a reason he gives for not dating her—but he's not exactly the model of maturity.

It only gets worse, though, as Robbie lures Georgia closer. After one of the Stiff Dylans' shows, he kisses Georgia. Before you start swooning, though, consider what happens next: He totally shirks responsibility when Lindsay finds out about his infidelity, saying Georgia jumped him instead the other way around, which is what actually happened. It's a move that lacks class on at least two levels: Not only does he betray his girlfriend, but he also betrays the girl he cheats on his girlfriend with. Ugh.

Softy Stud

Despite his generally terrible ways, Robbie redeems himself a bit in the end when he joins the hunt for Angus. Anyone who recognizes value in that demonic cat and helps bring him home doesn't have a heart that's totally filled with ice. And of course Georgia's totally touched—emotionally first, and then physically when she and Robbie kiss. This time, instead of being super weird about it, Robbie says he wants to try out a relationship with Georgia, taking things slowly and seeing where they go. We'll have to wait until future installments to see how New Zealand impacts their burgeoning romance, though.