Around the World in Eighty Days Chapter 17 Summary

Showing what happened on the voyage from Singapore to Hong Kong

  • Passepartout is wondering what has kept Detective Fix on their tail the whole time since he met the man en route to Suez. He decides the detective is a spy sent by the Reform club to keep track of Fogg's whereabouts.
  • The Rangoon docks at Singapore to take on coal, and Fogg and Aouda go for a walk. Fix follows them and Passepartout runs some errands, sightsees, and grabs some tasty fruit.
  • The ship then continues on its journey to Hong Kong.
  • The travel is rough and Passepartout becomes pretty impatient. He decides to joke with Fix, asking him why he's always around and "traveling" with them.
  • Fix is now wondering if Passepartout is onto him.
  • Passepartout begins to realize that Aouda is falling in love with Phileas Fogg.