

Character Role Analysis

Artemis Fowl II

Artemis is in control. This is his family, his plan, and his book. He may only be twelve, but he orchestrates the whole thing like a seasoned criminal mastermind—one who still believes in fairies, that is. Even though the story jumps back and forth between his actions and the People, the ending makes it clear this is Artemis's case file and he is People Enemy #1.

Captain Holly Short

Ever wonder why the epilogue references "both protagonists" (10.4)? Or why half the book seems to be about Holly even though it's named after someone else? Foaly may be the People's resident genius, but it's Holly who rivals Artemis for control of the story. She's highly-trained law enforcement with just the right amount of recklessness, somehow manages to survive four straight years of Recon missions without replenishing her magic, and has a complex ethical code to boot. She loses to Artemis, but there's no doubt whatsoever that she'll get him the next time.