Autobiography of My Dead Brother Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There was a time when Rise would stay overnight at my house at least once a week, and I knew he liked it when he did. He doesn't stay over anymore and I can understand that, too. There are things you just don't do after a while. (1.68)

At first, Jesse attributes the changes in Rise to plain old growin' up. Eventually, though, he comes to realize that he's wrong and Rise has actually changed. Like, a lot and in really important ways.

Quote #2

"So what makes you think Rise is different?" We were sitting in the church at the organ and C.J. was doodling over the keys. (3.1)

In a way, this is the question that plagues Jesse throughout the whole book. He tries to talk to C.J. about it a few times, but he can't quite articulate what's going on.

Quote #3

"What do you think of Mason?" Sidney asked me as he parked the car.

"He's different," I said. "He's like a different kind of guy." (7.41-7.42)

Spoiler alert: what's making Rise act different is criminal activity. Just like we see with Mason, here. In this book, criminals are a different sort of people than non-criminals.