Benito Cereno Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[…] the black with one arm still encircled his master, at the same time keeping his eye fixed on his face, as if to watch for the first sign of restoration, or relapse, as the event might prove. (46.35)

Babo's smart to keep such close tabs on Cereno. He's got the perfect excuse to watch him like a hawk.

Quote #2

"But it is Babo here to whom I owe not only my preservation, but likewise to him, chiefly, the merit is due to pacifying his more ignorant brethren […]" (47.43)

Clever strategy or totally sincere? What do you think, Shmoopers?

Quote #3

But Don Benito, apparently hardly yet completely restored, and again interrupted by his cough, made but some broken reply. (61.134)

The jury's still out on whether or not Cereno is a hypochondriac. His timing is just phenomenal if he's not play-acting. Or maybe he's trying to use his coughs like a weird, germy Morse code. What do you think, Shmoopers?