

Character Role Analysis

The Flanchers

The Flanchers are our primary bad guys. While Tom, the protagonist, is the type who works hard for everything he has, the three Flancher brothers just take what they want when they want from whomever they want. (That's your cue to boo and hiss.)

Led by the oldest, Yantis, the brothers set their minds to finding the Breen money. They tear the Breen house apart looking for it, showing no respect for the Widow Breen's memory, and they threaten Tom several times to stay out of their way. Even after Tom finds the money in his nighttime treasure hunt, which includes a tense near run-in with the Flanchers, Tom worries that they'll get revenge by burning down his barn or beating him up—both of which they've done to people in the past.

Luckily, they wind up exactly where villains should wind up—in jail.