The Black Prince Part 2, Sections 11-14 Summary

  • After standing outside the Baffin home for some time, Bradley sees that Rachel has noticed his presence.
  • Soon, Arnold comes out to talk to Bradley.
  • Arnold begins by apologizing for being so stern with Bradley earlier on, and Bradley soon begins to feel that Arnold is simply trying a new tactic. He's playing "good cop" rather than "bad cop" now, and in Bradley's view, he's still set on keeping Bradley and Julian apart.
  • Soon, Arnold tells Bradley that he intends to take Julian to Venice for a little while so that she can cool off, and he recommends that Bradley make a point of leaving her alone.
  • Over the course of the night, Bradley tosses and turns with confused thoughts and mixed feelings about what he should do.
  • The next morning, Francis Marloe calls and asks Bradley to come and visit Priscilla. Bradley tells him that he'll come to see her later.
  • Soon, the telephone rings again, and an operator's voice asks if Bradley will accept a collect call from a certain Miss Baffin, who's calling from a telephone box in Ealing.
  • Bradley accepts the call, natch, and Julian tells him that she's run away from home.
  • In response, Bradley tells Julian that he'll come to get her right away.
  • Soon, Bradley and Julian are sitting together in a church, filling each other in on everything that happened to them separately since Julian broke the news to her parents.
  • Julian tells Bradley that he's simply got to think of somewhere the two of them can secretly get away to together—away from the angry, interfering eyes of her parents.
  • It takes him a few long moments, but Bradley eventually remembers the northern seaside cottage that he rented for the summer.
  • After sending Julian out to buy herself some clothes for the trip, Bradley returns to his apartment to collect his things.
  • There, Bradley finds Priscilla sitting on his bed.
  • Bradley tells Priscilla that she can't stay in his apartment—and that he's just about to leave town, for realsies this time. Priscilla ignores him.
  • Priscilla also informs Bradley that Arnold was just at the apartment but went away with Francis.
  • Suddenly fearing that Arnold could return at any moment, Bradley decides to make Priscilla a cup of tea while he figures out a game plan.
  • Fortunately for Bradley, it's Francis who returns to the apartment, not Arnold.
  • Francis tells Bradley that he deliberately put Arnold off the scent, and Bradley asks Francis to stay in his apartment and look after Priscilla while he's gone.
  • When Bradley tells Priscilla about the arrangements, she begs him to stay, but Bradley hurries away after saying a quick goodbye.
  • Out in the street, Bradley's jig is nearly up when Arnold and Christian suddenly pull up together in a taxi, but Christian spots Bradley before Arnold does and discreetly blocks Arnold's view. Apparently, she thinks the whole situation is hilarious.
  • After watching Arnold and Christian go into his apartment, Bradley gets into the cab they vacated, and he gives the driver directions to take him to Julian.