Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter name.(Chapter Number).Paragraph

Quote #1

"The trouble," a friend said, "is that Oppie is so quick on the trigger intellectually, that he puts the other guy at a disadvantage." (Skinny Superhero.(1).23)

This kind of advantage is pretty helpful when you're trying to beat your enemy using scientific achievements, no?

Quote #2

"In starting and waging a war," he told his generals, "it is not right that matters, but victory. Close your hearts to pity! Act brutally! The stronger man is right!" (The U Business.(2).38)

While Hitler's viewpoint is certainly effective at starting conflict, he would eventually discover that sometimes it is right that matters…because he's the one that lost the war. Those with pity in their hearts—those who acted with compassion—were the ones who came out on top in the end. Take that, Hitler.

Quote #3

"Look, you fool," Sam said, laughing, "what the Soviet Union needs more than anything in the world is time, precious time." Stalin had no intention of keeping the agreement [not to fight Germany], Sam said, but the deal gave the Soviets time to build up their military strength. "And when the proper hour comes, you'll see, we'll sweep over Germany and Hitler like nothing ever imagined." (Tradecraft.(4).36)

This quote made us think of Gone With the Wind when the guys are all excited about the start of the Civil War, and the Confederates are filled with certainty that they will win in no time. Perhaps it's necessary for those waging war to believe it will be over quickly and relatively painlessly, although the reality is often quite the opposite.