The Boxcar Children Jessie Alden Quotes

Jessie Alden

Quote 1

"Good dog," said Jessie. "I can help you, but maybe it will hurt." […]

"Violet," ordered Jessie, "please wet my handkerchief in the brook." (4.11 and 4.13)

Remember what we said about nurturing being women's work in this book? Well, here's Jessie playing nurse with the dog. She just can't stop when it comes to taking care of others.

Jessie Alden

Quote 2

"You boys can have the first swim," said Jessie. "We girls must go and get dinner." (8.27)

All of the food prep in the book is handled by Jessie and Violet. Dinner is clearly women's work in the world of The Boxcar Children.

Jessie Alden

Quote 3

Then she saw something ahead of her in the woods. It was an old boxcar.

"What a good home that will be in the rain!" she thought. (3.6-3.7)

Although the Alden kids don't decide to make the boxcar their permanent address until later in the book, Jessie thinks of it as home at first sight.