Boy Mulcaster Timeline and Summary


Boy Mulcaster Timeline and Summary

  • Over dinner, Anthony Blanche tells Charles about one night when a group of boys – among them Boy Mulcaster – tried to put him in Mercury. He refers to him as a "real degenerate."
  • Rex and Julia invite Charles, Sebastian, and Boy to a party. At Boy’s suggestion, they leave to go to an old joint of his, the Old Hundredth. They get drunk and are later arrested for drunk driving.
  • When Charles comes back to London in 1926, he goes out to dinner with Anthony Blanche and Boy Mulcaster. Boy gets bored and pulls the fire alarm.
  • Celia explains that Boy was going to marry a girl, but pulled out at the last minute.
  • When Charles works out his divorce from Celia with Boy, he doesn’t seem too upset about his sister. He even tells Charles that he always had a soft spot for Julia.