Lisa's Mother

Character Analysis

If you've spent any time watching detective shows on basic cable, you've seen this character before. Like the tattooed barista who casually destroys a suspect's alibi while cleaning out the milk frother, Lisa's mother may not get a lot of "screen time," but she plays an important role nonetheless.

Here's her big line:

"Not today, dear...I've spent too much already. Besides, he [Corduroy] doesn't look new. He's lost the button to one of his shoulder straps."

Lisa's mother may crush Corduroy's dreams temporarily, but it doesn't feel right to call her the antagonist. She's hauling around two giant shopping bags, each packed to the brim with individual boxes. She's looking ridiculously stylish in her periwinkle coat, sensible heels, and jaunty beret tilted just so. She's probably heard Lisa mention fifteen other things she's "always wanted" in the course of their shopping trip, but still has enough patience to say, "Not today, dear."

We can't blame her for feeling exhausted, both physically and financially.

Instead, think of Lisa's mother as the catalyst. Her observation of Corduroy's missing button inspires him to look for it that night, driving the action in the rest of the story.