Dandelion Wine Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dandelion Wine? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of these things is the true Happiness Machine, according to Lena Auffmann?

A Camaro
Q. Leo Auffmann loses fifteen pounds as the result of what?

Becoming consumed with the Happiness Machine
Preparing for summer
Becoming obsessed with his children
Eating too many dandelions
Q. When Mrs. Bentley says she was never pretty "in a million trillion years," she's answering a question related to which theme?

Coming of Age
Q. To which war does Colonel Freeleigh take the boys time traveling?

World War I
World War II
The Civil War
The Revolutionary War
Q. What is Doug doing the day he realizes he's alive?

Making dandelion wine
Picking berries
Kung-fu fighting with the Lonely One
Riding the trolley