Daughter of Smoke & Bone Theme of Love

Many of the world's greatest fairy tales are about love. Cinderella and Prince Charming. Snow White and Prince Charming. Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming. Man, that guy gets around, doesn't he? In Daughter of Smoke and Bone, we have Karou and... Akiva, who is kind of a prince and very charming. And guess what? It's the power of love that unlocks Karou's true identity. By hooking up with Akiva, she discovers who she really is; we guess love really can transform you.

Questions About Love

  1. Would Akiva have fallen in love with Madrigal if she hadn't saved his life on the battlefield?
  2. Does Karou love Akiva for who he is, or does she love him because Madrigal loved him? How will we ever know?
  3. Even though the issue never comes up, we want to know: does Zuzana love her boyfriend, Mik?