Dear Mr. Henshaw Diary 32-37 Summary

Diary 32: January 9

  • Writing stories is hard work. Leigh wants to write like himself and not copy another story he's heard.
  • Plus, he's still waiting for his dad to call.
  • Too bad another sweet treat was stolen from his lunch again.
  • Mr. Fridley reminds him that everyone's got troubles. Leigh thinks Mr. Fridley would make a super grandfather.

Diary 33: January 29

  • Leigh is down in the dumps because his dad still hasn't called, even though he said he would.
  • Mom says not to get his hopes up because his dad forgets sometimes.

Diary 34: January 30

  • According to Leigh's book o' maps, his dad should be in Bakersfield now, so why hasn't he called?
  • Mom says being a trucker isn't easy because of the loud winds in your left ear, greasy food, too little exercise, and too much stress.
  • Leigh wants to know why his dad does it if it's so hard.
  • Mom says Dad loves driving a powerful machine and the excitement of being on the road.
  • She used to ride with him until Leigh was born, and Leigh wonders if she'd still be doing that if he hadn't come along.

Diary 35: January 31

  • Dad hasn't called, and Leigh is "filled with wrath" at both of his parents (35.1). (Sounds like he's trying out some new writing tricks.)
  • He's mad at his dad for breaking his promise even though it was in writing, and he's mad at his mom for divorcing him.
  • Also, he really misses Bandit.

Diary 36: February 1

  • The sugar refinery is shutting down, which means his dad won't be going there and maybe Leigh won't ever see him again.

Diary 37: February 2

  • Some of his mom's friends come over to drink coffee and talk about life.
  • Leigh doesn't want to go into the living room and be asked dumb questions, so he's hiding away in his room with a couple of the ladies' sleeping babies.
  • He remembers riding with Dad once and how exciting it was.
  • At the truck stop, everyone knew his dad as Wild Bill, and Leigh was proud to be his kid.