Death in the Woods Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Such an old woman come into town driving an old worn-out horse or she comes afoot carrying a basket. (1.1)

In Mrs. Grimes' case, she doesn't even have a horse because Jake and their son took it on one of their trademark low-stakes heists. This ends up having significant consequences.

Quote #2

Once one of my brothers got a whole cow's liver at the slaughter-house near the fairgrounds in our town. We had it until we were sick of it. It never cost a cent (1.2)

The narrator can relate to the Grimeses' poverty. Although we would never say no to a nice plate of tasty liver, we can understand how the monotony of it could drive you insane.

Quote #3

Now and then, when a horse turned up missing, the man had also disappeared. No one ever caught him. (1.6)

Jake has turned to crime to pay the bills. This ends up creating a Catch-22: he steals because he can't find work, but he can't find work because everyone knows that he's a thief.