Decameron Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Decameron? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The storytellers spend a great deal of their time in a hortus conclusus, which is

a haunted house
a sitting room with musical instruments
an enclosed garden
an altered state of consciousness
Q. The beautiful Valley of the Ladies, where some of the storytelling takes place, is an example of

a locus amoenus
a marcus aurelius
a hortus conclusus
a nonus of the abovus
Q. The Decameron, the heart serves as a symbol for love, but it also represents

an instrument of vengeance
forbidden love
all of the above
Q. Fortune, as she is referred to in The Decameron, is often depicted with a wheel. This is because:

"Heart Like a Wheel" is her favorite album (she's a huge Linda Ronstadt fan)
She won big on "The Price is Right"
The wheel is a medieval instrument of torture
She spins men around the wheel, crushing some and raising others
Q. The seven women of the brigata are lovely and intelligent, but some scholars believe that they stand for

the Muses
the Graces
the Ronettes
the cardinal and theological virtues