The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

By far the most exotic cargo, however, was human. (2.13.5)

People from cultures all over the globe found their temporary home on the fairgrounds. After all, entire villages were transported to Chicago.

Quote #2

There would be miracles at the fair—the chocolate Venus de Milo would not melt, the 22,000 pound cheese in the Wisconsin Pavilion would not mold—but the greatest miracle was the transformation of the grounds during the long soggy night that had preceded Cleveland's arrival. (3.1.5)

People were amazed that the weather in Chicago cooperated for the fair. The frozen grounds had everybody worried for a bit, but amazingly enough, things turned out okay.

Quote #3

If evening at the fair were seductive, the nights were ravishing. (3.4.32)

For visitors, nights at the fair were like a vision of heaven. But for architects, night also masked some of the fair's flaws. As John Ingalls of Cosmopolitan wrote, "Night is the magician of the fair" (3.4.37).