Poppy Bell Timeline and Summary


Poppy Bell Timeline and Summary

  • For months, or maybe years, Poppy has been playing a game with her friends Zach and Alice. Central to the universe of the game is the Queen, a creepy doll that belongs to Poppy's mother.
  • Zach tells Poppy and Alice that he no longer wants to play, though he doesn't really say why.
  • Poppy tells Alice and Zach that she had a dream where she was visited by the spirit of Eleanor Kerchner, a girl who died in 1895. Eleanor wants Poppy to return the Queen to her grave… which is three hours away, in East Liverpool, Ohio.
  • Somehow Poppy convinces Zach and Alice to get on a bus with her in the middle of the night, and with that, they're off to East Liverpool.
  • The trio has to abandon the bus when they're harassed by Tinshoe Jones, though, so they spend the night in a park before walking to East Liverpool.
  • When they come to a river, Alice wants to turn back so they can catch the bus home, but Poppy blackmails her into continuing.
  • Zach steals a boat and they sail the rest of the way to East Liverpool. At one point, Alice throws the Queen overboard, which infuriates Poppy; she and Alice fight the rest of the way.
  • The gang grabs some food at a diner. Then they break into a library, where the Queen goes missing when Poppy and her friends fall asleep.
  • Poppy has to call home after a librarian catches them. Her parents can't come to pick her up, though, so she'll have to catch a ride with Zach or Alice.
  • The gang escapes from the library, steals some bikes, and heads to the cemetery, where they bury the Queen.