Miss Whitlaw Timeline and Summary


Miss Whitlaw Timeline and Summary

  • Miss Whitlaw welcomes her stable tenants, Windrider and Moon Shadow, into her home with gingerbread cookies, tea, and milk.
  • Miss Whitlaw plays the piano and sings. Her possessions and room decorations suggest that she loves to travel. She shows Windrider and Moon Shadow the dragon stained glass window and speaks of how evil dragons can be.
  • The landlady invites Moon Shadow to cookies and tea when he visits and brings jasmine tea as a gift. She learns not to put sugar or milk in jasmine tea.
  • Miss Whitlaw chastises Robin when she catches her teasing Moon Shadow in the backyard.
  • The Whitlaws help Moon Shadow learn to read and write in English.
  • Miss Whitlaw helps Moon Shadow write a letter to the Wright brothers.
  • The Whitlaws and the Lees go to the sand dunes to test out a glider model.
  • The Whitlaws and the Lees stargaze on the back patio, comparing Tang constellations to demon constellations. Miss Whitlaw senses when Windrider silently misses his wife, and she and Moon Shadow distract his sadness.
  • Miss Whitlaw decides they must try to rescue any survivors from the earthquake of 1906. She collects and hands out tools.
  • Even when someone tries to steal Miss Whitlaw's chest of goods, she requests that he be released. She brings her father's pistol with her, though.
  • Miss Whitlaw meets Lefty in Golden Gate Park.
  • Miss Whitlaw retrieves her possessions and takes one last look at the house her father built and she grew up in.
  • The Whitlaws return to Golden Gate Park and temporarily split from the Lees.
  • Miss Whitlaw saves food for the Lees, but then goes to the Company's tent for dinner. She presents Uncle with plum brandy that she brewed. She asks them to teach her to use chopsticks, winning everyone's approval.
  • Miss Whitlaw bonds with Uncle over talk about the railroad and the Middle Kingdom when he visits her tent.
  • Miss Whitlaw stands up for Moon Shadow and Windrider when the authorities come to gather Chinese people.
  • Miss Whitlaw finds a job as a housekeeper in Oakland, so she and Robin move there after the quake.
  • Miss Whitlaw gets a confusing and frantic phone call from Moon Shadow telling her not to go to the barn.
  • The Whitlaws show up just in time to help fly Dragonwings for the first time. Turns out Miss Whitlaw did some research the day before through Old Deerfoot.
  • Miss Whitlaw bakes cookies and calls for the kiddies to snatch 'em up.