Robin Timeline and Summary


Robin Timeline and Summary

  • With a crash at the kitchen door, we meet Robin, Miss Whitlaw's niece, spying at the door.
  • Robin plays the piano for the Lees and asks for Miss Whitlaw to play.
  • Peeling vegetables, Robin sits on the back porch and is clearly intrigued by Moon Shadow's method of getting water from the pump.
  • Robin follows the Lees to the sand dunes and sees the test run of the glider.
  • She goes to the Lees' stable and learns about airplanes and dragons.
  • Robin tells Moon Shadow that she's from Missouri. She shares her dime novels with Moon Shadow. With Miss Whitlaw, Robin helps Moon Shadow with his reading and writing skills.
  • Robin and Moon Shadow arrange for the Lees and Whitlaws to go to the sand dunes for a kite-flying and picnicking day. Robin wins the little tussle over who gets to hold the string of the kite.
  • Robin badgers Moon Shadow to go out and fly gliders with her, but she senses he's afraid of going outside for the demon boys. She shells peas while he prepares squid. She acts disgusted by the squid, and decidedly not scared. Robin tells Moon Shadow that Jack is afraid of being punched in the nose.
  • The Whitlaws and the Lees stargaze on the back patio. Robin shares her knowledge of Lyre and Altair and compares with Windrider's knowledge.
  • Robin helps Moon Shadow prepare the Stove King picture. Believing in the superstition too, she is happy when Moon Shadow brings a new picture for Miss Whitlaw's kitchen.
  • Robin's freaked out by the earthquake. She bundles herself up and stares out the front door.
  • Robin helps make lunch for the working survivors.
  • She goes to Golden Gate Park with the Lees and Miss Whitlaw. They return to the Whitlaws' for one last look and to retrieve their possessions. Then the Whitlaws return to the park to set up camp. Robin carries a pistol.
  • Robin gives Moon Shadow her copy of "The Phoenix and the Carpet." She receives Moon Shadow's gift of his Monkey.
  • Robin gives Moon Shadow a peck on the cheek before she moves to Oakland with Miss Whitlaw.
  • The Whitlaws climb up the hill just in time to see Dragonwings take flight. Robin brings some wine for everyone to share.
  • Robin helps with the propeller.
  • Robin runs for a doctor when Windrider crashes and is hurt.
  • She races Moon Shadow to Miss Whitlaw's cookies. She wins.