Dreaming in Cuban Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dreaming in Cuban? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Pilar learns that she is a daughter of Changó because

The god appears to her in a dream
He possesses her during her initiation rite
She chooses beads with his colors at the botánica
Felicia reveals it in one of her rantings
Q. Felicia's tongue is slit eight times during her initiation into santería

so that she doesn't reveal the words of Obatala
so that she remembers who's boss
so that she doesn't eat forbidden foods
so that she can show her family afterward
Q. Celia doesn't believe in religion, but she does

Light candles at the local church
Make offerings of goat blood to the orishas
Follow the Ten Commandments
Walk around the sacred ceiba tree and offer prayers
Q. After Felicia's death, she miraculously

walks through the village where she was born
sings her favorite Beny Moré song
is restored to her former appearance
makes peace with her mother
Q. When Celia is about to die for Gustavo's love, the santera tells her that she has this in her palm

a wet landscape
a long lifeline
a beauty mark
an ominous sign