Will Caputo

Character Analysis

Will is Jack's older brother. Before the Feed, Will has a habit of carrying a flask around with him, and then he enlists in the military. He goes off to basic training right as Jack heads off to a special spring break football camp (11.48). Nikki doesn't remember the details, though, so we don't get them either. She says, "Last I knew, Jack's brother was serving in the war. I couldn't remember if it was Iraq or Afghanistan" (16.38). Later she learns that he was wounded and discharged.

After the Feed, Will seems worse for the wear. Nikki notes: "The last time I saw Will, he looked like a slightly shorter, older version of Jack. But when he lifted his head, I barely knew him. He'd lost some weight, and a sheen of sweat covered his face; little tear droplets pooled in the corners of puffy eyes. His drinking had obviously only gotten worse" (16.41). Will's having a pretty hard time by this point, to say the least.

Does Will perhaps have a shot at redemption, though? Why yes, yes he does. He overhears Nikki and Jack talking about Everliving stuff when he's supposedly passed out drunk, and then he takes initiative in helping Jack track down a lead on Mary's location. Will accompanies Jack and Nikki as they make a plan to try to smash Cole's heart, helping out in their attempt, so he's there when his brother gets sucked into the Tunnels. Instead of tending to himself, though, Will does what he was trained to do as a soldier, and gets Nikki out of there.

Though we don't get to know him well, this much is clear: Will might've come back from the war broken, but he remains a caring person.