Far From the Madding Crowd Chapter 21 Summary

Troubles in the Fold: A Message

  • Twenty-four hours after Oak leaves the farm, it's crisis time. The workmen come running to Bathsheba's house and tell her that all her sheep have gotten into a clover patch and have eaten so much that their bellies are swelling with gas. Um, eww.
  • There's only one way to save them (by puncturing their sides with a little pipe) (Um, eeeeeeeeeew), but the only person who knows how to perform the operation properly is… mmm hmm… Gabriel Oak.
  • Bathsheba swears she'll never go running back to Oak for help; but eventually she gives up and sends for him.
  • Losing face is better than having a flock full of gassy sheep.
  • Oak shows up and totally saves the day. Not all of the sheep make it, but most do.
  • When everything is over, Bathsheba walks up to Gabriel and offers him his job back. He coolly accepts.