Eddie Timeline and Summary


Eddie Timeline and Summary

  • Eddie shows up at May's motel to try to get her back. They argue.
  • Eddie goes ballistic when he hears that May has another guy coming over. He leaves, but then he comes back, claiming that May just made up the story to make him jealous. But he wants to meet the guy, in case she's not lying.
  • Instead of May's date, the Countess (his extracurricular flame) shows up and blows out the windshield of his truck with a gun. She leaves.
  • Then, Martin shows up. Eddie and May end up giving Martin a rundown of their incestuous drama.
  • Then the Countess comes back and shoots at the gas tank of Eddie's trunk, which sets it on fire. Eddie goes out to check on the damage and never returns. Because that's just the kind of guy he is.