Freewill Theme of Transformation

Will's biggest challenge in Freewill is to let go of the fear, doubt, shame, and relentless inner critic he's held tight to since his parents' death. Nothing's going to bring them back, and he's only making his already hard life more difficult. It's a hard transformation for him to embrace, but thanks to his frank friendship with Angela and threats he just can't let go unanswered, Will eventually starts to shed his depressed habits in favor of blooming into someone who feels in charge of their life.

Questions About Transformation

  1. What are the signs that Will wants things to change?
  2. How does meeting and getting to know Angela transform Will?
  3. How do Will's grandparents change throughout the novel?
  4. Why does Will finally decide to take medication?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Will would never have transformed without the reporter and the creepy callers coming into his life.

Will's transformation has nothing to do with outside influences—it's ultimately entirely self-motivated.