From the Earth to the Moon Theme of Patriotism

Patriotism is like wasabi—it's great in small doses, but brutal in large ones. In From the Earth to the Moon, America loses its collective mind over the Gun Club's mission to the moon. Sometimes this nationalistic mood turns out to be a good thing, especially when it comes time to collect donations, but we see plenty of examples of patriotism gone wrong, too, with individuals doing some gross (and downright silly) things in the name of their flag. If you're looking for a hilarious yet incisive look at the nature of nationalism, then look no further than this sci-fi classic.

Questions About Patriotism

  1. In what ways does the Gun Club's mission incite nationalism? Be specific, please.
  2. Is Maston's hyper-patriotism a positive thing? Why or why not?
  3. What are the negative consequences to patriotism in the novel?
  4. Is Ardan a patriot? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Although it helps the Gun Club achieve its goal, the patriotic frenzy stirred by the mission ends up causing more harm than good.

In the novel, we see patriotism frequently tied to warmongering, signaling the extreme consequences of unchecked nationalism.