Gilead Letter 1, Section 20 Summary

  • Ames is sick with love, quoting Scripture to himself.
  • The next week, when he sees Lila, he holds her hand and tells her about a Bible study they have. He later finds her waiting at the church for him.
  • Lila wants to be baptized.
  • Ames says they'll take care of Lila and asks if she has any family in the area. She doesn't.
  • Ames instructs Lila in the faith and in time baptizes her.
  • Some of the instruction involves correcting of other members of the church on theology they've picked up from the radio and television.
  • Lila helps out around the house, tending to Ames's gardens. Ames asks how he can repay her. She says, "You ought to marry me." And he does.
  • The sun rises. Ames thinks on the constancy of light.
  • Ames imagines his son as an old man, reading these letters.
  • Glory calls and invites Lila and their son to the movies.
  • Ames and Boughton talk about Jack.
  • Jack shows up at Ames's house. He seems to know what the two friends are talking about. Ames is forced to lie.
  • Glory is startled to find Jack at the Ameses' place when she returns.
  • Ames's son has brought Tobias half a box of Cracker Jacks.
  • Tobias isn't allowed at the movies, and he's not allowed to watch TV.
  • Ames worries that his son will pick TV over his friendship with Tobias.
  • Glory takes Boughton home.
  • Jack departs after a time.
  • Lila and Glory take a walk. They see Jack down at the bar.