Baby Kochamma Timeline and Summary


Baby Kochamma Timeline and Summary

  • As a young woman of 18, Baby Kochamma falls in love with Father Mulligan, a young Irish monk. She tries to get his attention by force-bathing a little kid whenever she knows he's going to come by.
  • Baby Kochamma converts to Roman Catholicism and decides to become a nun so that Father Mulligan will love her. This doesn't work – surprise, surprise.
  • Baby Kochamma splits from the convent. Her dad figures her reputation is shot, so he sends her to the University of Rochester in New York to study ornamental gardening.
  • Baby Kochamma came back obese. She spends all her time gardening.
  • When Sophie Mol arrives, Baby Kochamma tries like crazy to impress her and Margaret Kochamma. She makes fun of Estha.
  • When Baby Kochamma finds out about Ammu's affair with Velutha, she locks her in her bedroom.
  • Baby Kochamma tells a made-up story to Inspector Thomas Mathew about how they had to fire Velutha because he'd tried to rape Ammu.
  • Inspector Thomas Mathew tells Baby Kochamma that the twins have undermined her story about Velutha.
  • Baby Kochamma asks for a few moments alone with the twins. She tells them they are murderers and that Ammu will die in jail if they don't answer "yes" to the inspector's questions.
  • When she finds out that Ammu has gone to the police herself, Baby Kochamma realizes she has to get Ammu to leave town. She turns Chacko against Ammu, and that does the trick.
  • Baby Kochamma also decides that Estha should be Returned.
  • In 1993, Baby Kochamma sits around all day watching TV and wearing Mammachi's jewelry.