Dylan Byron Timeline and Summary


Dylan Byron Timeline and Summary

  • After Dylan's mom dies, his dad takes the family off for a yearlong adventure at sea. Dylan doesn't express any strong feelings about it one way or the other.
  • On the boat, his job is navigation and math-type stuff. He's a quick learner. He also has practical sailing skills.
  • Dylan's dad fights with his brother, Ben, almost constantly. Dylan tries to stay out of it.
  • When his father goes missing, Dylan's absolutely sure it was an accident. Ben thinks Dad killed himself.
  • A storm hits. Dylan helps Ben sail through the extreme weather and scary waves. He does a good job.
  • Eventually, the boat crashes into a rock. Dylan and his brothers make a new home on a deserted island that's nearby.
  • On the island, Dylan is his family's MVP. He gathers food and distills drinking water.
  • One day, when he's gathering eggs from a bird's nest, Dylan falls off a cliff and breaks his leg. Badly.
  • Ben rescues Dylan. He tries to put Dylan's leg back in place and clean the wound, but it gets big-time infected.
  • Dylan tells his brother Ben to let him die. Ben and Gerry aren't having it, though. Ben sets off on a rescue mission, leaving Dylan and Gerry on the island.
  • Ben finds some rescuers, who in turn rescue Dylan and Gerry. Dylan sails back to civilization and gets surgery on his bad leg.
  • Dylan's dad returns with a weird story about how he fell off the boat. Dylan, thrilled to see his father, accepts it at face value.
  • Dylan goes home with his family.