Jim Byron (Dad) Timeline and Summary


Jim Byron (Dad) Timeline and Summary

  • Without warning, Jim puts the Byron family house on the market and tells his three sons that they're going on a yearlong sailing trip around the Bahamas. No arguments. Angst ensues.
  • When they go to pick up the boat he's bought, the Chrysalis, Jim seems almost manic. He can't wait to sail away from all his problems.
  • On the boat, he constantly clashes with his oldest son, Ben, who is constantly questioning his decisions.
  • Jim is badly injured during an attempt to remove some seaweed from the boat's propeller. He cuts his hand. It's serious, but after a few weeks of rest, he feels much better.
  • After the accident, Jim seems like a new man. He's not so bossy, for one thing.
  • One night, Jim disappears without warning. He's gone without a trace.
  • We later learn that he fell off the boat during a safety check. Somehow he managed to grab the emergency tracking device on his way into the water.
  • Jim floats alone in the middle of the ocean (!) for several hours. He's rescued because he has that tracking device thing.
  • The storm hits, preventing Jim's rescuers from looking for his sons.
  • Jim stays in the Bahamas for a month looking for his kids. Everyone thinks they're dead.
  • He gives up and returns home. He resumes teaching, thinking his entire family is dead.
  • Jim gets the call that his boys have been found. He flies out to them. After a fight with Ben, he takes everyone back home.