Hedda Gabler Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hedda Gabler? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Eilert’s new book intended to do?

Revolutionize the way parents raise their children
Predict the future
Serve as a handy coaster
Reveal scandalous tidbits about a popular public figure
Q. What does Eilert tell Mrs. Elvsted he has done?

Sold his manuscript
Torn up his manuscript
Set his manuscript on fire
Written her out of the latest draft of his manuscript
Asked his manuscript to marry him (it said ‘yes!’)
Q. What does Hedda want Eilert to do?

Kill himself
Become rich and famous
Stop being so gosh-darn handsome
Give up drinking
Q. What does Judge Brack come to tell everyone?

He is retiring
Starting in the fall, he will be taking the time slot right before Judge Judy
George has been accused of murder
Eilert has committed suicide
Q. What does Judge Brack want Hedda to do?

Kill herself
Turn George in to the authorities
Become his wife
Help him powder his wig