Here We Are Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Here We Are? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the thing that the husband and wife keep tiptoeing around and won't talk about directly?

whether the husband dislikes the wife's family or not
consummating the marriage
whether the wife has a nice hat or not
whether muffins are better than Danishes
Q. What does the husband (light-heartedly) admit he was thinking when he was standing at the altar waiting for the bride to arrive?

how it would be a good time to run away
how attractive the bride's friend looked
how delicious scones are
how attractive the bride's sister looked
Q. At one point, the wife says, "Well, that's nice. That's lovely. The first thing you say to me, as soon as you get me off on a train away from my family and everything, is that you don't like my hat. The first thing you say to your wife is you think she has terrible taste in hats. That's nice, isn't it?" What did her husband say about the hat before she said this?

"That hat is terrible. Gosh, I loathe that hat—it's so disgusting and beige. Here, let's throw it out the train window.'
"I think your hat is really more interesting than nice, exactly. I mean, it's definitely a very intriguing hat. But it's not really quite—I don't know how to say it…"
"'I know this is the new style and everything like that, and it's probably great. I don't know anything about things like that. Only I like the kind of a hat like that blue hat you had."
"That hat looks like something Abraham Lincoln would wear—meaning it's swell. Hot dog! I do love a dame in a Lincoln-style hat!"
Q. The wife says that her husband doesn't like her ______.

new article in the local newspaper
cashmere sweater
stamp collection
Q. The wife and the husband both act jealous, suspecting the other has a crush on… whom, respectively?

Felix the Cat and Betty Boop
Mark Harper and Cora
Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh
Joe Brooks and Louise