The Hero with a Thousand Faces Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Hero with a Thousand Faces? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following characters from modern stories would not be considered a mentor or guide?

Dumbledore from Harry Potter.
Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings.
Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Haymitch from The Hunger Game.
Q. Heroes from modern stories are misfits or outsiders. What would Campbell attribute that to?

The increasing secular influence in modern life.
The fact that outsiders are better able to express their individuality.
The benefits of doing everything yourself instead of relying on aid.
The fact that older communities prized individualism as well.
Q. Why does Campbell think it necessary to tell newer, more modern variations of the Hero's Journey?

Older stories are boring.
There's no longer a need to connect to the divine.
Modern stories place mythic truths in a context we can understand.
We have things like movies and TV shows to bring these stories to life more easily.
Q. What, according to Campbell, is the biggest challenge of modern myth-telling?

Our desire to rationalize it away.
The fact that they won't last as long as the old ones have.
The loss of the mother-goddess as a central figure.
The fact that religion plays a much different role than it used to.
Q. Why are tales of gods more difficult to tell in modern society?

They're not as interesting.
Science has answered many questions about the universe.
Religions with multiple gods no longer dominate society.
Television has no place for such stories.