Evil Empire Speech: Shout-Outs

    Evil Empire Speech: Shout-Outs

      In-Text References

      Literary and Philosophical References

      Marxist-Leninists (112)
      C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters (151)
      Charles Dickens (148)
      Whittaker Chambers (161)

      Historical and Political References

      Abraham Lincoln (11)
      William Penn (26)
      Thomas Jefferson (27)
      George Washington (28)
      Alexis de Tocqueville (29)
      First Amendment (60)
      Declaration of Independence (63)
      Little Pencil v. Lubbock Independent School District (70)
      Senator Jeremiah Denton (72)
      Senator Mark Hatfield (72)
      Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (83)
      Representative Henry Hyde (86)
      Soviets (112)
      Appeasement (153)
      Hiss-Chambers Case (161)
      Thomas Paine (170)

      Biblical and Religious References

      National Association of Evangelicals (3)
      St. Peter (15)
      Amos 5:24 (96)
      Garden of Eden (162)
      Isaiah 40:29 (168)

      References to This Text

      Historical and Political References

      Donald Trump, The 2016 Campaign Trail, CNN.
      Fordham University, Modern History Sourcebook: Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire Speech
      Harrison E. Salisbury, "A Reagan Antecedent in Revolution," The New York Times

      Pop Culture References

      "The Evil Empire." Radio Active. 3 October 1998
      Star Wars: Episode IV—A New Hope. 25 May 1977