Daisy Timeline and Summary


Daisy Timeline and Summary

  • Daisy arrives in England and meets her cousins, then spends some quality time with her Aunt Penn learning about her mother before Aunt Penn takes off to Norway.
  • Daisy starts doing the dirty with her younger cousin, Edmond.
  • Daisy and all her cousins frolic in the sunshine, enjoying a utopian life free of grown-ups and responsibilities.
  • World War III finally creeps into Daisy's life when she and her cousins get ousted from their home by soldiers.
  • Daisy and Piper get sent to live with a family in Reston Bridge, separated from the boys; the girl start volunteering for the war effort.
  • Daisy witnesses a coworker and the man she's staying with get brutally murdered, so it's definitely time to run.
  • She and Piper hide out in a barn with a bunch of others, and during an attack, Daisy and Piper make a run for it.
  • While finding their way home, Daisy and Piper experience a bad mushroom trip.
  • Finally arriving at the farm where her male cousins are supposed to be, Daisy finds everyone dead and her cousins nowhere to be found.
  • Daisy and Piper return home, where they live in the lambing barn and spend their days trying to survive.
  • A phone call changes Daisy's fate, and she's shipped back off to America, where she spends six years working and waiting for the war to be over.
  • With the war now over, Daisy finally returns to England and her cousins, with the help of her father's status.
  • Edmond's pretty angry and shut down, but Daisy vows to work at nurturing their relationship for as long as it takes.