The Count of Cattarack and Jane Fairfax

Character Analysis

These characters appear so briefly that they're barely even characters, but we're throwing in a summary of their situation here because their story is pretty charming. When Sophie is still working at the hat shop, she trims an ugly hat that she feels sorry for—so she tells the hat that it will marry money.

Jane Fairfax, a relatively unattractive girl, buys the hat, and Sophie later hears that she has eloped with the Count of Cattarack. This hat of Jane Fairfax's is one of the primary hints we get of Sophie's magical abilities before Mrs. Pentstemmon actually says that Sophie has a powerful magical talent for talking life into things.

While Sophie is living at the moving castle, a rather short man knocks on the door while everyone is out to ask for a spell to help even the odds in a duel. Sophie sells him some cayenne pepper. When Sophie goes to visit the Palace, this same man turns up and offers to lead her around in thanks for her help with the duel: apparently the powder she sold him sent his opponent sneezing so badly that the two of them agreed to stop the fight.

So the man she sold her dueling powder/cayenne pepper turns out to be none other than the Count of Cattarack, now happily married to Jane Fairfax. Sophie feels a bit guilty because she realizes that the two of them are probably married because of Sophie's magic hat-making skills. But since they are so happy, where's the harm?