Jules/Chauncey de Langeais Timeline and Summary


Jules/Chauncey de Langeais Timeline and Summary

  • On a dark and stormy night, Chauncey is confronted by an unknown boy who forces him to swear loyalty and be of service to him for two weeks during the month of Cheshvan. The boy doesn't revel who he is nor what the service is, but he tells Chauncey that he is a Nephil, not the biological heir of the Duc de Langeais.
  • A guy in a ski mask (Jules) attacks Nora while she is driving home in Vee's car.
  • Jules and Elliot are in the same bistro as Nora and Vee one morning, and Elliot introduces himself and Jules to the girls.
  • Jules and Elliot go out with the girls to Delphic. As soon as they meet, he goes to the bathroom and is gone a long time.
  • Jules and Elliot are supposed to meet the girls at the Borderline to celebrate Vee being out of the hospital. Elliot says Jules is too sick to come along, though, and then Vee reveals she's been seeing Jules.
  • A guy in a ski mask (Jules) breaks into Nora's room and messes with her mind.
  • Jules attacks Marcie Millar after she gets into a fight with Nora at the library. (We don't find this out until later).
  • Jules and Elliot take Vee to a party in Portland, but they leave her there to go "pick up something" from Kinghorn.
  • Jules and Elliot apparently can't find what they are looking for, so they head back to Coldwater with Vee.
  • They go to the high school to play hide-and-seek.
  • Nora arrives at the high school after Elliot threatens Vee's life. She trips over Jules's dead body.
  • Psych—Jules isn't really dead. He just made Nora think he was, and now he's attacking her.
  • Jules reveals that he's bought off Elliot's loyalty, even getting him to kill Kjirsten to prove himself. He also reveals that he is sworn to give his body over to Patch for two weeks every year, and expresses how not pleased he is about this.
  • Nora stabs him in the leg, giving herself enough time to get away temporarily.
  • Jules finds her again, and he, Nora, and Patch have a face off in the school gym. He chases Nora up to the rafters, but before he can push her off the rafter, she throws herself off.
  • Jules dies.