I, Robot Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story title.paragraph)

Quote #1

"Most of the world governments banned robot use on Earth for any purpose other than scientific research between 2003 and 2007." (Robbie.225)

Calvin explains to the interviewer how robots were banned from Earth starting in the early 2000s. Which is an example of one type of rule—a law made by a government.

Quote #2

"I told you they were playing up robot-safety in those days. Evidently, they were going to sell the notion of safety by not allowing them to move about, without a mahout on their shoulders all the time." (Runaround.58)

US Robots tried to make people less afraid of robots by making robots seem like slaves, totally subservient to human orders. This doesn't work for US Robots, and it creates problems for Powell and Donovan. Maybe human rules aren't the best.

Quote #3

"They aren't obeying us. And there's probably some reason for it that we'll figure out too late." (Reason.107)

This is one of the most alarming moments in the book for us, since it seems as if the robots are ignoring the Second Law. Well, they are, so that's why we're alarmed. Luckily, by the end of the story, we figure out the reason for it: the robots are obeying a higher rule, the First Law.